Edit Pay Period

Without Checks Entered

To edit pay period information associated with a check date that already exists in your calendar, select the check date to be modified and then click Edit Pay Period.

The available fields to modify include:


Edit the necessary information, then click SAVE.

With Checks Entered

When pay entry has already begun for a given check date, you can modify the Period Start and Period End dates by selecting the check date to be modified, then clicking Edit Pay Period.

If you need to modify the Check Date, the existing pay entry data must first be deleted by removing the check mark in the Pay checkbox for each employee. Select the check date to be modified and then click Edit Pay Period.

You can also contact your Paychex representative to request the check date to be modified. This does not require the removal of payroll data before submitting payroll.

Delete Pay Period

To delete a pay period associated with a check date that exists in your calendar, select the check date to be removed and then click Delete Pay Period.