Check Limits

There are two ways to handle per check limits. One way is to set up the limits at the employee level. This method is useful if the maximum or minimum per check may be different for every employee. Simple garnishment limits may be handled this way. If a Recurring Default is changed, it does not affect all employees that use this earning or deduction. It only affects new recurring earnings and deductions as they are set up.

The other method is to set up company-level rules that apply to all employees who use this earning or deduction. This method is useful if an earning or deduction always has the same per check limits. If a rule is changed, the change also affects every employee. Per check limits related to company policies or benefit plans are often handled this way. For example, if there is a company policy that limits commission to no more than $6,000 per check, it can be set up as a Company Rule. No employee using this earning would be paid more than $6,000 on a check. Changes made to Company Rules affect all employees using this recurring earning or deduction. Contact your Paychex representative for assistance with setting up Company Rules.

Refer to the Check Limits help for the available limits for all recurring earnings, deductions and memo items.